Here’s some important information about exercising your right to vote in this important election during the time of Coronavirus. This is an unusual election, and many things are changed because of COVID-19. Make sure you have all the information, make a plan for how you will vote, and please don’t wait until the last minute. Between the postal service delays and the smaller number of polling places, voting early is the safest way to make sure that your vote counts.
If you can, I strongly encourage using the mail-in ballot as the safest way to protect your health and the health of the community. If you must vote in person, be sure to wear a mask and keep 6 feet distance from other people to the extent possible.
- You will NOT automatically receive a ballot in the mail like we did in June. The governor decided not to mail everyone a ballot, and instead the Board of Elections will be mailing everyone an application to request a mail-in ballot.
- Mail-in ballots are the same as absentee ballots. A bill we passed in the General Assembly this year changes the name from “absentee ballot” to “mail-in ballot” to make it clearer that in Maryland you don’t need to be “absent” or any other excuse to request a ballot.
- You may have just received your ballot request application in the mail, or you may get it in the next few days.
- Instead of using the paper form you receive in the mail, I strongly encourage you to request your ballot online. Paper ballot requests have to be manually entered by the Board of Elections, which puts additional burden on them and could lead to delays if they’re swamped. Ballot requests submitted online can be automatically processed. Request your ballot here: https://bit.ly/MDBallotRequest or go to elections.maryland.gov and click on “Request a Mail-in Ballot” in the center of the screen.
- Información de votación para votantes de Maryland.
- I recommend that if possible, you choose the option to have your ballot mailed to you, rather than emailed. There is some additional processing required at the Board of Elections for ballots you print at home, which puts additional burden on the BOE and could lead to delays. The paper ballots sent to you through the USPS can be scanned and more easily processed without requiring manual intervention.
- The deadline to request a ballot is October 20, but please don’t wait until the last minute! Request early to make sure you get your ballot in plenty of time.
- You can check the status of your ballot request here
- Ballots will be mailed starting the end of September to everyone who requested one before then.
- Complete your ballot in black ink, fill in the circles completely, and be sure to sign the envelope or your vote won’t be counted!
- Because of legislation the Maryland General Assembly passed this year, your vote by mail ballot will have pre-paid postage, so no stamp is needed. Or if you want to avoid the risk of postal delays, you can drop your ballot in a secure ballot dropbox. Ballot dropboxes will be available at the beginning of October at thirteen Baltimore County locations. Here are the ones closest to District 44B:
- ▶︎ Arbutus Recreation Center. 865 Sulphur Spring Road, Halethorpe, MD 21227
- ▶︎ Randallstown Community Center. 3505 Resource Drive, Randallstown, MD 21133
- ▶︎ Woodlawn Community Center, 2120 Gwynn Oak Avenue, Gwynn Oak, MD 21207
- Your mail-in ballot must be mailed or dropped in a designated drop box location by 8 pm on Election Day, November 3. If you mail your ballot, it must be postmarked on or before November 3, 2020 to be counted.
- If you choose to vote in person, early voting will be October 26-November 2, 7am to 8pm. You may vote at any Baltimore County early voting center. View all early voting locations here. Here are the early voting centers closest to District 44B:
- ▶︎ Arbutus Recreation Center, 865 Sulphur Spring Road, Halethorpe, MD 21227
- ▶︎ Randallstown Community Center, 3505 Resource Drive, Randallstown, MD 21133
- ▶︎ Woodlawn Community Center, 2120 Gwynn Oak Avenue, Gwynn Oak, MD 21207
- If you vote on election day, DO NOT go to your regular polling place. Instead, there will be 42 election day voting centers in Baltimore County. As with early voting, you can go to any voting center in the county. View all election day voting centers here. Here are the election day voting centers closest to 44B:
- ▶︎ Arbutus Recreation Center, 865 Sulphur Spring Road, Baltimore 21227
- ▶︎ Catonsville High, 421 Bloomsbury Avenue, Baltimore 21228
- ▶︎ Catonsville Middle, 2301 Edmondson Avenue, Baltimore 21228
- ▶︎ Milford Mill Academy, 3800 Washington Avenue, Baltimore 21244
- ▶︎ Randallstown Community Center, 3605 Resource Drive, Randallstown 21133
- ▶︎ Western School of Technology, 100 Kenwood Avenue, Baltimore 21228
- ▶︎ Woodlawn Community Center, 2120 Gwynn Oak Avenue, Baltimore 21207
- ▶︎ Woodlawn High, 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore 21207
- Accessibility information for voters with disabilities can be found here