Good evening. This is Dollie, coming to you live from Cat News Network, with an exclusive interview with that well-known feline political operative, Kitty Pryde. Mr. Pryde is currently embedded in the Ruth household, and is hosting a Pet Happy Hour Sunday evening to raise funds for his minion, Delegate Sheila Ruth.

So, Mr Pryde…
Please, it’s Mr. Ruth. I’ve been fully adopted by the Ruth household.
Sorry, Mr. Ruth. Can you tell our viewers why you’re hosting this fundraiser?
Well, the needs of we the cats are too often ignored. We may seem aloof, but we have needs, too. We need plenty of treats, playtime, petting, and a warm lap as a feline right. My minion, Delegate Sheila Ruth, is looking out for our rights in Annapolis, and I’d like to keep her there.
Can you tell us what to expect from the fundraiser?
In spite of our cool reputation, cats just want to have fun, and as I am an exceptional event planner, I hope that all animals and humans attending will have fun, too. We will have distinguished guests County Executive Johnny Olszewski, Environment & Transportation Committee Chair Del. Kumar Barve, E&T Committee Vice-Chair Del. Dana Stein, and a special message from the Hon. Speaker Adrienne Jones. There will be musical performances, and some more topical presentations related to the theme. And our animal guests will have a chance to introduce themselves and their humans.
What has the response been like?
Of course the response has been great. I did say that I’m an excellent event planner, didn’t I? We’ve had quite a bit of buzz, and I’d like to especially thank our sponsors:
- IBEW Local 26
- Maryland State Education Association/Teachers Association of Baltimore County/Education Support Professionals of Baltimore County
- Senator Delores Kelley
- Delegate Dana Stein
- Joseph Adams
- Edna French
Sounds great! How do my viewers sign up?
Just go to this link: http://bit.ly/RuthPetHappyHour
Thank you for taking the time to speak with us, Kitty Pryde Ruth. Good luck with the event!