Community associations
Community associations create a comfortable living space by maintaining the landscape, providing services, and organizing events. Membership is a great way to get to know your neighbors and solve local issues.
Here are a few ways to find your community association:
- Baltimore County's map of associations. Click any point on the map to see its the name and bounds of its community association. You can find your home on the map by entering your address in the top right search bar.
- Baltimore County's list of associations. Scroll down to the "Association List" heading and click the link for a PDF of associations, their contact information, and their websites.
- Enter your community's name into the box below to search online for your community association.
Democratic clubs
Democratic clubs work to strengthen the Democratic party and democratic values. To those ends, they endorse and support candidates, reach out to elected officials, register voters, and advocate for issues and legislation.
You can browse the lists of Baltimore County democratic clubs and Maryland democratic clubs, or use the links below to learn more about clubs in southwest Baltimore County.
Progressive groups
Progressive groups fight for justice, transparency, opportunity, and inclusion for all. Through grassroots organization, they engage in advocacy and activism on local and national issues.
Below are a few progressive groups in southwest Baltimore County.
[ess_grid alias="progressive-groups"]