Last session I introduced the Transportation Equity Analyses and Assurances Act of 2021 to help build a more equitable transportation system in Maryland. Transportation plays a key role in employment, health, environment, and quality of life, and it’s important that Maryland’s transportation decisions are fair to all Marylanders regardless of race, income, or disability.
Even though the bill didn’t pass, it has already had tangible impact, as MTA is putting a greater focus on equity. As a part of that, they will be holding hearings this week on a possible change to their Major Service Change Policy, which determines the threshold for when a service change requires an equity analysis. Please join one of these three MTA public input hearings to provide your feedback on the proposed changes.
There is still more work to be done, so I will be introducing a transportation equity bill again in the 2022 session.
Monday, September 20 (TODAY!) @ 6 PM
Tuesday, September 21 @ 3 PM
Wednesday, September 22 @ 10 AM